Publié le par La Crecelle

For those of you who think they know my daughter, think again...

It's no secret that Jen likes commercial jingles, but did you know that she likes to act them out, too?  Well, the cat is out of the bag, here is a sample of what she can do, to her family's delight.
Jen has been known around here for her ability to imitate famous people.  I remember the summer she kept us in stiches with her imitation of Jimmy Carter, peanut farmer esq.,  running for president..and the time she cheered me up with her Scarlet O'Hara routine lamenting over the lose of Tara, spiced with a few new dialogues of her own.  Thanks, Jen, I remember needing the laughs in those days. (I'm so sorry I don't have pictures or audio for them all)
Now for a few photos/videos of Jen in action..forgive me, Jen.

AMERICAN AIRLINES: Come fly with us

Sears where America shops (the Evil empire, sorry, Jen)

HGTV: Martha Stewart

Nobody doesn't like Sarah Lee

Tan don't burn, get a coppertone tan

NAIR: We wear short shorts, if you dare wear short shorts, Nair for short shorts...

Our L'Eggs fit your legs

and the piece de resistance...

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Bon mardi ! Bisoux.
Un petit bonjour en passant, même si pour moi c'est fini, je passerai de temps à autres vous faire un coucou
Bon mardi ! Bisoux. <br /> <br />
Un p'tit coucou rapide car hier a été une journée épuisante, plus de 15 heures sur la taille et un temps déplorable.Désolée pour le copié/collé.Bon début de semaine ! Moi, je vais me reposer ... on n'a plus 20 ans, hein.Bisoux.<br /> <br />
Un grand merci Tweety et a Gaelle qui m'a aussi envoye le lien.Je me faisais du souci pour FLB et sa petite famille.  Je voila rassuree sinon tres triste que ca leur est arrive.  Je souhaite que tous mes copains Vitryats soient sains et saufs.  Qui aurait cru qu'une chose comme ca puisse arriver a Vitry? Pas moi!Bises a tous